Talega Dispatch is a “Full Service” truck dispatching company that handles all of the back-office work so you can compete with the large fleets. Typically, a large carrier would hire somebody to handle all of these tasks, but it is unaffordable for a small carrier, that’s where we are here to help! Our process is simple, your dedicated truck dispatcher will work with you by your rules. We develop the best lanes that suit your desired schedule, whether you want to be home every night, every other night, or once every 2 weeks, our freight dispatchers work with you to develop a lane that will achieve your target goals.
We Talk to Brokers
We Handle all of your broker Setup Packages
We keep you compliant
You pick the areas you want to drive
Dedicated Account Manager
Handle Detention / Lumper
Provide Tax compliance
Provide Company Branding
Handle Factoring and Company Accounting
Dry Van
If you are looking for a truck dispatcher to manage your dry van freight, you’ve found the right truck dispatching company that can help you achieve peace of mind through professional truck dispatching services. Reach out today.
If you are looking for a reefer truck dispatcher to manage your reefer freight, our truck dispatchers at Truck Dispatch 360 can help you achieve your goals. Reach out today to speak to one of our expert truck dispatchers.
Flatbed / Stepdeck
If you specialize in flatbed freight we can manage your flatbed or Conestoga freight, We offer professional truck dispatch services for serious truckers. Reach out to our freight dispatchers.
Day Cab
If you are looking for a truck dispatcher to manage your day cab freight, you’ve found the right truck dispatching company that can help you achieve peace of mind through professional truck dispatching services. Reach out today.
Exclusive Lanes With

What our clients say about us

Having 12 trucks on the road being able requires 24 hours support. There has been one time we haven't been able to get them on the phone

Jason J.
A very good, reliable company! We been able to get to the next level with there assistance.

Eric I
Got referred to them from a friend. Man finally a dispatcher that gets it!